medical device and ivd consulting services

Privacy policy

The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of their personal data is taken very seriously by MDx. This information intends to inform you about the manner MDx controls and processes your personal data including the legitimate basis thereof. We would like to be as transparent as possible regarding the use of your data and your rights related to this. We hope the information provided here answers the queries you may have about your personal data. However, if you need more information, please contact:

Our procedures related to data handling are developed in line with the requirements set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation and will be periodically assessed for compliance.

General users including (potential) clients

If you have entered into a contract or have contacted us with the intention to enter into a contract, MDx will be the controller of your data. If you have entered into a contract with one of our subsidiaries companies, they will be the controller of your data, however, the data will also be processed by a general customer relationship management system.

a) What Personal data are we processing and/or controlling?

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us and when you purchase services or goods from us. The personal data we process may include:
• your name;
• your home or work address, email address and/or phone number;
• your job title; company you work for
• your payment and delivery details, including billing and delivery addresses
• information related to the browser or device you use to access our website;
• internet browser and operating system;
• and/or any other information you provide (e.g. details listed on a curriculum vitae

b) How do we use this information?

We process the personal data listed above for the following purposes:

Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. We require to process this data in order to establish contact with you and are unable to do so without it; for example:
• Enter into an agreement to provide or receive services
• Contacting us via the website contact form
• Contact us via e-mail or by any other contact methods such as phone calls
• to comply with applicable laws and regulations
• in accordance with our legitimate interests in protecting MDx´s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including but not limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory and investigative purposes

c) With whom and where will we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with our subsidiaries companies to process it for the purposes of inter-group administration and to provide services or products where elements of these are provided by companies other than those with which you have directly contracted. We may also share your personal data with the below third parties, where they have agreed to process your personal data in line with the GDPR.
• our professional advisors
• our suppliers, business partners, and sub-contractors; and/or
• search engine and web analytics
• marketing and communications agencies.

In the event that our business or any part of it is integrated or sold with another business, your details will be disclosed to our advisers and those of any prospective purchaser and will be passed to the new owners of the business.

Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement
officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law, or if needed for the legal
protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

d) How long will we store your personal data?

We will not keep your personal information for any purpose for longer than is necessary and will only retain the personal information that is necessary in relation to the purpose. We are also required to retain certain information as required by law or for as long as is reasonably necessary to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions.

Where you are a customer, we will keep your information for the length of any contractual relationship you have with us and after this, we will store your information for 10 years after our last correspondence and in line with our internal policies.
We will retain your data for some time beyond the specified retention period, to allow for
information to be reviewed and any deletion to take place. In some instances, laws may require MDx to hold certain information for specific periods other than those listed above.

e) Where is my data stored?

The personal data we collect is stored within the EU. However, since we are an organization that operates globally, the personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to and stored outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers or customers, in which case the third country’s data protection laws will have been approved as adequate by the European Commission or other applicable safeguards are in place. However, the safeguards in third countries may not as stringent as within the EU.

f) What are my rights in relation to my personal data?

Pursuant to the GDPR, we would like to inform you that your rights specified in Chapter III of the GDPR are applicable. An overview of your rights in relation to your personal data is provide below.
• Right of access
• Right to rectification
• Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)
• Right to restriction of processing
• Right to data portability
• Right to object

g) Can I obtain more information about MDx´s data protection procedures related to my data?

Should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Information, about MDx´s processing of your personal data, or wish to exercise your rights you can contact Mdt-CRO Tech by using this email address:

Privacy Information specific to Job Applicants

a) What information do we collect and process?

We collect and process personal data about you when you apply for a vacancy with us. Personal data we process includes:
• your name, home address, email address, and/or phone numbers;
• your date of birth and nationality
• your educational and employment history;
• other information contained within your CV or information you submit to us;
• information from the selection process, if any;
• references and assessments relating to your work for previous employers;
• information to confirm your identity and right to work, such as a copy of your passport;
• information relating to your feedback on our organization.

b) What is the source of this information?

We obtain this information directly from you, our personnel, through our systems and equipment, as well as from third parties such as recruitment agencies, background-checking companies, or former employers. We may also obtain it from your public profiles available online.

c) How do we use this information and what is the legal basis for this use?

We process the personal data listed above for the following purposes only in accordance with our legitimate interests:
• to enable us to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
• to perform an adequate selection process;
• to prevent and detect fraud and other wrongdoing;
• to establish, and exercise our legal rights;

d) With whom and where will we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data for the purposes of intra-group administration. We may also share your personal data with our professional advisors. Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if mandated by law or if needed for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

In the event that any part of our business is sold or integrated with another business, your details may be disclosed to our advisors and those of any prospective purchaser and would be passed to the new owners of the business.

e) How long will you keep my personal data?

We will not keep your personal information for longer than is necessary and will only retain the personal information that is necessary to fulfil the purpose. We are also required to retain certain information by law or if it is reasonably necessary to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions.

We will keep the personal data connected to your job application (including any interview records) for 1 year from the date of their creation by Med-IVD Tech or receipt from you. If your application is successful further details about the processing of your personal data will be described in your contract.


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Fondo Social Europeo dentro de la Ayuda a la Recuperación para la Cohesión y los Territorios de Europa (REACT-UE)

MED IVD HEALTHTECH S.L ha sido beneficiaria de la subvención de contratos de trabajo de la Comunidad de Madrid, cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo dentro de la Ayuda a la Recuperación para la Cohesión y los Territorios de Europa (REACT-UE), a través del Programa Operativo Regional FSE, en el marco del Programa Impulso a la Contratación Estable de Jóvenes para la Recuperación Económica, gestionado por la Dirección General del Servicio Público de empleo de la Consejería de Economía, hacienda y empleo de la Comunidad de Madrid.

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MDx | MedTech IVD CRO

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